Impactful Hymns About Taming the Tongue

In the symphony of our lives, there’s a melody that often escapes our attention—the power of words.

Just like notes in a score, our words can create beautiful harmonies or discordant cacophonies.

How we tame our tongues shapes the rhythm of our relationships, the cadence of our communities, and the melody of our souls.

Join me on a journey through the verses of hymns that echo the timeless wisdom of taming the tongue.

These hymns aren’t just songs; they are anthems of restraint, psalms of prudence, and odes to the divine guidance that helps us harness the potency of our speech.

Let’s explore together how these hymns resonate with the profound quest to master the art of communication and tame the tongue.

Hymns About Taming the Tongue

1. “O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee” by Washington Gladden

As we tread life’s pathways, this hymn serves as a fervent prayer to walk in step with divine guidance. It reminds us that every step we take should be measured by the grace of wisdom, and every word uttered should reflect the compassion of our Master’s teachings. Taming the tongue begins with walking humbly in the footsteps of the divine, allowing His wisdom to temper our speech with gentleness and understanding.

2. “Take Time to Be Holy” by William D. Longstaff

Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, this hymn calls us to pause and cultivate holiness in our words and actions. Taking time to be holy means taking time to guard our tongues, to weigh our words before they leave our lips. It’s a gentle reminder that the pursuit of holiness extends to the way we communicate, urging us to choose words that build, uplift, and inspire rather than ones that wound or destroy.

3. “Take My Life, and Let It Be” by Frances R. Havergal

Surrendering ourselves entirely to divine guidance, this hymn echoes the sentiment of yielding every aspect of our lives, including our speech, to the will of God. It’s a plea to let our words be vessels of His love, instruments of His peace, and reflections of His grace. Taming the tongue begins with relinquishing control and allowing the divine to shape our speech according to His perfect plan.

4. “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” by Martin Luther

In times of trial and temptation, this hymn reminds us of the strength and refuge found in God. Taming the tongue requires fortitude, the courage to resist the urge to speak hastily or harshly. Like a fortress that withstands the fiercest onslaughts, a disciplined tongue fortified by faith can withstand the storms of anger, pride, and impatience.

5. “Be Thou My Vision” by Dallan Forgaill

This hymn is a heartfelt plea for God to be the guiding light in our lives, illuminating our path with His truth and wisdom. Taming the tongue involves seeing the world through His eyes, perceiving the beauty in every soul and the potential for grace in every interaction. When God is our vision, our words become infused with His compassion and clarity, guiding others toward the light of His love.

6. “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” by Edwin Hatch

Just as the breath of God brings life to the earth, this hymn invokes His spirit to breathe new life into our souls. Taming the tongue begins with inviting the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, to purify our thoughts and words with His refining fire. Like a gentle breeze that calms the storm-tossed sea, the breath of God soothes the tempest within us, enabling us to speak with grace and peace.

7. “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” by Robert Robinson

As we gather at the fount of divine blessings, this hymn reminds us of the boundless grace that flows freely from God’s hand. Taming the tongue involves acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the blessings we’ve received, cultivating a spirit of thankfulness that colors our speech with humility and grace. When our hearts overflow with gratitude, our words become a sweet melody of praise to the One who gives us every good gift.

8. “Fill Thou My Life, O Lord My God” by Horatius Bonar

This hymn is a heartfelt plea for God to fill every corner of our lives with His presence and power. Taming the tongue requires surrendering our words to His control, allowing Him to fill our mouths with His wisdom and our hearts with His love. When God fills our lives, our speech becomes a reflection of His character, overflowing with kindness, compassion, and grace.

9. “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” by William Williams

In the journey of life, this hymn is a fervent prayer for divine guidance and protection. Taming the tongue involves seeking God’s wisdom and direction in every word we speak, allowing His Spirit to be our guide and guard. When we entrust our speech to His care, He leads us on paths of righteousness, guiding us away from words that harm and toward words that heal.

10. “He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought” by Joseph H. Gilmore

As we walk hand in hand with the divine, this hymn reminds us of the blessed assurance that God leads us in paths of righteousness. Taming the tongue involves trusting in His guidance, and allowing Him to direct our words with wisdom and discernment. When we yield to His leading, our speech becomes a reflection of His grace, leading others to find comfort, peace, and hope.

11. “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” by Reginald Heber

This hymn exalts the holiness and majesty of God, inviting us to join in the chorus of heavenly praise. Taming the tongue involves recognizing the sacredness of our words, speaking with reverence and awe for the One who is holy, holy, holy. When we echo the angels’ song with our speech, our words become a symphony of praise that glorifies the Almighty and edifies the soul.

12. “I Need Thee Every Hour” by Annie S. Hawks

In moments of weakness and dependence, this hymn is a heartfelt cry for God’s presence and grace. Taming the tongue requires recognizing our need for His strength and wisdom in every word we speak, acknowledging that apart from Him, we can do nothing. When we lean on Him for support, our speech becomes infused with His power and grace, transforming hearts and lives.

13. “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” by Walter C. Smith

This hymn celebrates the incomprehensible wisdom and majesty of God, declaring His eternal sovereignty over all creation. Taming the tongue involves recognizing His infinite wisdom and submitting our words to His divine authority. When we acknowledge His sovereignty in our speech, our words become vessels of His truth and instruments of His glory, proclaiming His eternal wisdom to a world in need.

14. “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” by Charles Wesley

This hymn expresses the intimate relationship between the believer and the Savior, acknowledging Jesus as the source of comfort, refuge, and love. Taming the tongue involves surrendering our words to His care, allowing His love to flow through us in every conversation. When we abide in Him, our speech becomes a reflection of His love, drawing others into the warmth of His embrace and inviting them to experience the depth of His love.

15. “Near to the Heart of God” by Cleland B. McAfee

This hymn speaks of finding solace and strength in the presence of God, drawing near to Him in times of trial and tribulation. Taming the tongue involves anchoring ourselves in His love and seeking refuge near to His heart. When we abide in His presence, our words echo the rhythm of His grace, offering comfort and hope to those who are weary and burdened.

16. “Nearer, My God, to Thee” by Sarah F. Adams

As we draw closer to God, this hymn expresses the desire for deeper intimacy and communion with the divine. Taming the tongue involves cultivating a closer relationship with Him, aligning our words with His will and purpose. When we draw nearer to God, our speech reflects His presence within us, drawing others into a deeper relationship with Him.

17. “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go” by George Matheson

This hymn celebrates the steadfast love of God that never lets us go, holding us close in every season of life. Taming the tongue involves resting in His love and allowing it to flow through us in every word we speak. When we are held secure in His embrace, our speech becomes a testament to His faithfulness, drawing others into the warmth of His love.

18. “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart” by George Croly

This hymn is a fervent prayer for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His presence and power. Taming the tongue involves inviting the Spirit to dwell within us, guiding and empowering us to speak with wisdom and grace. When we are filled with His Spirit, our words become infused with His love and truth, touching hearts and transforming lives.

19. “Sweet Hour of Prayer” by William W. Walford

This hymn celebrates the precious moments spent in prayer, communing with God and seeking His guidance and grace. Taming the tongue involves cultivating a life of prayer, surrendering our words to God’s will and seeking His wisdom in every conversation. When we dedicate sweet hours to prayer, our speech becomes a reflection of His presence, bringing peace and blessing to those around us.

20. “Trust and Obey” by John H. Sammis

This hymn is a declaration of faith and obedience, trusting in God’s guidance and committing to follow His commandments. Taming the tongue involves trusting in His wisdom and obeying His teachings, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. When we trust and obey, our speech becomes a testimony to His faithfulness and goodness, inspiring others to walk in His ways.

Journey of Love and Truth

In the journey of life, taming the tongue is a sacred endeavour that requires patience, prayer, and perseverance.

As you reflect on these hymns and the timeless wisdom they impart, may you be inspired to cultivate a speech that reflects the love, grace, and wisdom of our Heavenly Father.

Let your words be a melody of kindness, a symphony of compassion, and a chorus of truth, taming the tongue to honour the One who created it.

Trust in His guidance, obey His teachings, and draw near to His heart, for in His presence, you will find the strength and grace to tame the tongue and speak words that bring life and healing to the world.

Written by Adewunmi Oyesanya

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