Hymns aAbout Waiting on God

20 Melodious Hymns About Waiting on God

This beautiful realm of hymns has a treasure trove of melodies and lyrics that touch the depths of our souls. Hymns have a unique way of expressing the profound emotions we experience in our spiritual journeys.

Today with you, we’ll embark on a heartfelt exploration of “20 Hymns About Waiting on God.” These timeless pieces of music and poetry offer solace, hope, and unwavering faith, making them the perfect companions for those moments when we find ourselves in the waiting room of life, longing for divine guidance and reassurance.

Whether you seek comfort during times of uncertainty, strength in moments of doubt, or simply wish to reflect on the profound wisdom that hymns bring, you’re in for a soul-stirring journey. Let’s walk hand in hand through the verses that resonate with our hearts and discover the power of patience and faith in the face of life’s uncertainties.

Each hymn is a beacon of light, reminding us that even in the midst of waiting, we are never alone. Now, let’s begin our uplifting expedition through these beautiful hymns. Continue.

Hymns About Waiting on God

1. “Be Still My Soul” by Katharina A. von Schlegel

In the midst of life’s storms and the anxieties of waiting, this hymn beckons us to find serenity deep within our souls. Its soothing words remind us that waiting on God is a tranquil and hopeful journey where our inner selves can find profound peace even in the most turbulent times. It’s a hymn that invites us to be still, to quiet the noise of our fears, and to trust that God’s plan unfolds in His perfect timing.

2. “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” by Thomas O. Chisholm

This hymn is a powerful declaration of God’s unwavering faithfulness. It reassures us that, no matter what we face while waiting, God’s steadfast love and promises remain unshaken. It serves as a strong foundation for our patience, a reminder that in His faithfulness, we can find the strength to endure and to keep our hope alive.

3. “It Is Well With My Soul” by Horatio G. Spafford

Born out of profound personal loss, this hymn speaks of finding tranquillity in God’s plan even as we wait. When waiting on God becomes challenging, these lyrics offer a comforting reminder that, amidst the trials of life, our souls can be at peace, for we trust in the Lord’s sovereignty. It is a hymn that resounds with the notion that, in waiting, we can find a profound and lasting sense of well-being.

4. “Wait for the Lord” by TaizĂ© Community

With its simple and repetitive lyrics, this hymn gently encourages us to wait patiently for the Lord. Its meditative quality can bring a sense of tranquillity to our hearts as we navigate the uncertainties of waiting. It’s a reminder that, in the act of waiting, we can find solace and serenity in the stillness of faith.

5. “In His Time” by Diane Ball

This hymn emphasizes the importance of waiting for God’s perfect timing. It’s a reminder that, even when our own timing feels rushed, there’s wisdom in waiting for the divine plan to unfold. In the moments of patience, this hymn inspires us to trust that, in His time, all things will fall into place, and our hearts will be filled with hope.

6. “In the Garden” by C. Austin Miles

As we listen to this hymn, we find a peaceful garden of solace where we can commune with God while waiting. It conveys the idea that, amidst the bustling chaos of life, we can find a quiet and serene place to connect with our Creator. In the act of waiting, it’s an invitation to take moments of stillness and find God’s presence in the garden of our hearts.

7. “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” by Dorothy A. Thrupp

This hymn beautifully portrays God as our loving Shepherd. When waiting on God, we can take solace in the idea that He gently guides and cares for us, just as a shepherd does for his sheep. It’s a hymn that speaks to the heart, reminding us that in our times of waiting, we are under the watchful and loving care of our heavenly Shepherd.

8. “Abide With Me” by Henry F. Lyte

In times of waiting and uncertainty, this hymn reassures us that God’s presence is a constant source of comfort and strength. It encourages us to rest in His abiding presence, even as we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life. It’s a song that reminds us that, in waiting, we are not alone; God abides with us.

9. “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” by Elisha A. Hoffman

This hymn conveys the image of leaning on the everlasting arms of God. When we wait on Him, we can find strength and support in His unwavering embrace. It’s a comforting and reassuring melody that tells us that, in the act of waiting, we can find a secure and enduring foundation in God’s arms.

10. “Nearer, My God, to Thee” by Sarah F. Adams

This hymn reflects the desire to draw closer to God. In times of waiting, it serves as a heartfelt prayer for a deeper connection with our Creator. It’s a reminder that, even in the midst of uncertainty, our hearts long to be nearer to God, for in His presence, we find solace and strength.

11. “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” by William Williams

In the labyrinth of life’s uncertainties, this hymn becomes our guiding star. It’s a heartfelt plea for divine guidance and strength. As we wait on God, the lyrics inspire us to trust in His unfailing wisdom, to lead us through the darkest valleys and across the roughest terrains. Just as the Israelites were led through the wilderness, we too can find our way with unwavering faith in our heavenly Guide.

12. “Take My Life and Let It Be” by Frances R. Havergal

This hymn is a profound prayer of surrender. As we wait, it calls us to relinquish every aspect of our lives to God’s service. Each line, from “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee” to “Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise,” encourages us to offer ourselves entirely to God. It’s a beautiful reminder that in the act of waiting, we find purpose and fulfilment in consecrating our lives to the divine.

13. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” by Joseph M. Scriven

Waiting on God is often made easier by the presence of a trusted friend. This hymn celebrates the friendship we have with Jesus, emphasizing the solace we find in confiding our cares and troubles to Him. In moments of waiting, we are not alone; we have a faithful companion who listens and understands. It’s a hymn that speaks to the heart, reminding us that in Jesus, we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

14. “Softly and Tenderly” by Will L. Thompson

This hymn is like a gentle whisper of reassurance during the moments of waiting. Its soothing verses invite us to come to Jesus just as we are, assuring us that His embrace is open and warm. While we navigate the uncertainties of life, this hymn echoes the loving invitation to find rest and peace in His presence. It’s a comforting melody that reminds us that, amidst the waiting, we can find refuge in the tender and welcoming arms of our Savior.

15. “I Surrender All” by Judson W. Van Deventer

Surrender is an act of trust and faith. As we wait on God, this hymn inspires us to let go of our worries and anxieties and place them in His capable hands. It’s a song of yielding and trust, a declaration that we are willing to surrender everything, knowing that in God’s care, we find true peace. In the act of surrendering all, we acknowledge that waiting is not passive but an active expression of our faith.

16. “The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want” by Francis Rous

This hymn, often inspired by the 23rd Psalm, serves as a reminder that as we wait on God, we are under the gentle care of the Lord, our Shepherd. It assures us that He provides everything we need, and in His presence, we shall not want. Amidst the uncertainties of life, it’s a comforting hymn that instills confidence in God’s care and provision.

17. “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” by Louisa M. R. Stead

Trust is a precious gem in the journey of waiting on God. This hymn beautifully conveys the joy and peace that come from placing our trust in Jesus. In moments of waiting, it’s a testament to the profound solace and assurance we find when we confide our hopes and fears in Him. It’s a melody that resonates with the heart, reminding us that, in trusting Jesus, we discover a sweet refuge and unwavering support.

18. “In the Sweet by and By” by Sanford F. Bennett

This hymn paints a beautiful picture of the joy that awaits us in the future as we patiently wait on God. It’s an ode to hope and a reminder that, even in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations, there’s a promise of a brighter tomorrow. In the act of waiting, it’s a melody that encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on the sweet and eternal rewards that lie ahead.

19. “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” by Edwin Hatch

Waiting can be a trying and exhausting experience, but this hymn seeks the divine breath to revive and empower us. It’s a heartfelt prayer for God’s presence to breathe life into our spirits and renew our strength. In the moments of waiting, it’s a song that reminds us that, as we invite the breath of God into our lives, we are invigorated and sustained by His grace and power.

20. “Tarry With Me, O My Savior” by Frances Ridley Havergal

As we navigate the uncertainties of waiting, this hymn serves as a heartfelt invitation to Jesus to stay with us. It’s a plea for His presence, comfort, and guidance during times of doubt and uncertainty. In the verses of this hymn, we find the assurance that, even in the waiting, we are not alone, for the Savior is by our side, ready to guide and support us.

Closing Thoughts on Waiting for God

I hope these hymns about waiting on God have touched your heart and given you comfort. In a world where patience is hard to come by, these hymns remind us that waiting on God is a beautiful part of life.

When life’s uncertainties make us feel lost, remember that these hymns are here for you. They echo the voices of many people who have found solace in waiting on God.

In your own journey of faith, listen to these hymns and let their words wash over you. Find strength in the reminder that you are never alone, even in the waiting.

May your faith be strong, your patience unwavering, and your heart always open to hope. May you find peace in knowing that waiting on God is a testament to the power of faith.

Written by Seun

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